
Speedtest Command


The speedtest command performs a network speed test using the Ookla Speedtest API. The command measures download and upload speeds, along with latency and packet loss. The results include details about the ISP, server location, and a URL to view the test results online.

Command Structure:



  • ISP: Displays the Internet Service Provider (ISP) used during the test.
  • Latency: The time it takes for data to travel between the user and the server, measured in milliseconds (ms). Includes jitter and latency range (low to high).
  • Download Speed: The speed at which data is received from the internet, measured in megabits per second (Mbps).
  • Upload Speed: The speed at which data is sent to the internet, measured in Mbps.
  • Packet Loss: The percentage of data packets lost during transmission.
  • Result URL: A link to view the full test results on the Speedtest website.


Vila58 speedtest executed. Results:
Speedtest by Ookla

Server: MEO - Lisboa (id: 31309)
Idle Latency: 5.96 ms (jitter: 0.08ms, low: 5.85ms, high: 6.02ms)
Download: 929.44 Mbps (data used: 637.9 MB)
      15.47 ms (jitter: 4.71ms, low: 6.96ms, high: 216.72ms)
Upload: 429.41 Mbps (data used: 463.1 MB)
      7.97 ms (jitter: 3.38ms, low: 5.20ms, high: 229.83ms)
Packet Loss: 0.0%
Result URL: View Results