
Irrigation Schedule Command


The setirrigationschedule command allows you to create a custom irrigation schedule using the remote control interface. This enables you to define the start time, watering duration for each zone, and the days on which the irrigation system should operate.

Command Structure:

setirrigationschedule <time>;[<duration1>,<duration2>,...]; <days>


  • <time>: The start time for irrigation (in 24-hour format). For example, 22:00 sets irrigation to begin at 10:00 PM.
  • [<duration1>,<duration2>,...]: A list of durations (8 , 16 or 24 depending on your irrigation system) in minutes for each zone. Example: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] means each zone will receive 1 minute of water.
  • <days>: Specifies the days of the week for irrigation. Use letters to represent the days:
    • S (Sunday)
    • M (Monday)
    • T (Tuesday)
    • W (Wednesday)
    • T (Thursday)
    • F (Friday)
    • S (Saturday)
    Example: SMTWTFS runs the schedule every day of the week.